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Snare Microphone Poll - Which is your favorite? drum recording drums microphone snare mic snare mics Jul 17, 2024

Top Snare Drum Microphones: Enhancing Your Audio Experience

A snare drum's sharp, crisp sound stands out in any mix. Its unique timbre punctuates the rhythm and adds character to a track. Capturing its complex tonalities requires the right microphone. Let's delve into the best microphones for...

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Help us pick our next LIVE Webinar subject audio engineering school avid help college drum recording learn by doing mentoring mixing mastering Jul 13, 2021

Today we are asking for your opinion.

What should we do next?

We are basically taking a survey to see what it is you want to see in our next LIVE Webinar.

Click here to go fill out the survey - TAKE THE SURVEY


As a Thank you for helping us pick the Webinar topic. We are giving you our free...

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