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Making Mental Health a Priority:

Jun 12, 2024

The Audio Professional's Key to Staying Happy and Productive
In the fast-paced world of audio engineers, music producers, and studio business owners, there's a prevalent struggle often left in the shadows - maintaining excellent mental health. While we're busy building our business in the audio world, it's essential not to neglect this vital aspect of our well-being, lest we risk suffering from mental health conditions such as imposter syndrome.

The isolation and intense focus required by our profession can often be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it aids our creativity and productivity. On the other hand, it can also lead to a feeling of disconnect and bouts of self-doubt. Despite this challenging situation, our objective should always be staying happy and being in an excellent mental state, to enjoy each note and beat we create.

Frustration comes when we push ourselves too hard without addressing our mental needs—when the feeling of not being good enough, the so-called "imposter syndrome," creeps in. While it is not uncommon in our field, it can affect our levels of creativity and productivity, pulling us into a downward spiral. To counter this, making a transition or implementing changes in our routine can bring significant relief.

One practical approach to preserving our mental health starts with talking to others. Interacting with our colleagues in physical meet-ups or virtual catch-ups can share problems, experiences, and tips. Join professional forums and discuss - enlightenment can come from unexpected sources.

In addition, taking some 'me-time' can also be a healthy routine. A walk in a park, meditation, exercise, or even a simple coffee break can relieve tension and reset our minds.

Incorporating these changes might not be easy. But remember, it's ok to ask for help. Sharing our struggles with someone we trust helps lift the burden and makes us realize that what we're experiencing is not uncommon. We may even find that our colleagues have experienced similar situations and can offer solutions or a listening ear.

Prioritizing mental health changes our perspective on work. It helps us remember why we fell in love with the audio world in the first place. As we continue to crank up those good vibes and tune into positivity, let's remind ourselves that our mental health is not off-record; rather, it's the soundtrack of our success.